Our project has been awarded with the important prize that the City Hall of Elche gives on the Constitution Day: Medalla de Plata del Bimilenario. The project was awarded because it represents the Constitutional values: tolerancy, democracy and inclusion.
The prize was given by local authorities to the representatives of IES Tirant Lo Blanc at a formal ceremony at the City Hall. Two students made a speech.
We are working on a set of European/International Lesson Plans about the consequences of the totalitarianism in the XX Century, in the WWII and in the Spanish Civil War, with emphasis on the Human Rights like the concentration camps during the Holocaust (Shoah) and the current consequences of the Spanish Civil War (Law of Historical Memory), and the resistance movement of people who thought other world and reality was possible. It means our main purpose is to make our students aware of the importance of critical thinking and political and social activism in the construction of the EU through the European History and the development of Human Rights against intolerance and totalitarianism in order to create pedagogical tools to offer a new perspective on the extermination: from Collaboration, Indifference and Resistance in response to the new rise of radical-right parties in Europe.
Tuesday, 12 December 2017
Monday, 16 October 2017
We have reached over 45000 downloads of materials on www.lessonsforfuture.com
We have reached over 45000 downloads of materials on www.lessonsforfuture.com
Wednesday, 4 October 2017
THERE IS A FINAL LONG VERSION ABOUT OUR PROJECT ON http://www.lessonsforfuture.com/documentary.html
Tuesday, 19 September 2017
Spanish students recorded a documentary on the issue of that meeting: avoinding indifference. With the help of an NGO called Help Syrian Refugees, of their teachers and volunteers they set out a journey of consciousness which led them towards awareness of the refugees actual reality and how to avoid remanining indifferent before this other unconfortable side of reality.
Thursday, 31 August 2017
Vilniaus Šolomo Aleichemo ORT Gimnazija
20.01.16 Sugihara Exhibition
Preparing for participation in Exhibition dedicated to Japanese diplomat Chijune Sugihara - who saved thousands of lives in WWII by issuing vizas to Jewish refugees.
27.01.16 Holocost Remembrance Day 2016

12.02.16 Lithuania's Independence Day 2016
11.05.16 Israel's Independence Day 2016

01.06.16 Visit to Sugihara museum in Kaunas
23.09.16 Openinig of the Memorial for Vilnius Ghetto's Children

23.09.16 Paneriai - Remembrance Day of mass murder victims

16.12.16 Schoolplay - SA Guests in Žverynas

27.01.17 Holocost Remembrance Day 2017

24.04.17 Remembering Warsaw Ghetto's Liquidation

26.04.17 ORT directors' meeting - project presentation
05.05.17 Presentation of "Mūsiškiai" - book by Rūta Vanagaitė
Rūta Vanagaitė - Lithuanian journalist who wrote a book about relations between Jews and Lithuanians during WWII.
29.05.17 Visit to Gaon museum
30.05.17 Daytrip to Kaunas - war museum (first group)
01.06.17 Daytrip to Kaunas - Sugihara museum (second group)
26.07.17 Schoolplay - Pabradė

Vilniaus Šolomo Aleichemo ORT Gimnazija
20.01.16 Sugihara Exhibition
Preparing for participation in Exhibition dedicated to Japanese diplomat Chijune Sugihara - who saved thousands of lives in WWII by issuing vizas to Jewish refugees.
27.01.16 Holocost Remembrance Day 2016
12.02.16 Lithuania's Independence Day 2016
11.05.16 Israel's Independence Day 2016
01.06.16 Visit to Sugihara museum in Kaunas
23.09.16 Openinig of the Memorial for Vilnius Ghetto's Children
23.09.16 Paneriai - Remembrance Day of mass murder victims
16.12.16 Schoolplay - SA Guests in Žverynas
27.01.17 Holocost Remembrance Day 2017
24.04.17 Remembering Warsaw Ghetto's Liquidation
26.04.17 ORT directors' meeting - project presentation
05.05.17 Presentation of "Mūsiškiai" - book by Rūta Vanagaitė
29.05.17 Visit to Gaon museum
30.05.17 Daytrip to Kaunas - war museum (first group)
01.06.17 Daytrip to Kaunas - Sugihara museum (second group)
26.07.17 Schoolplay - Pabradė
Meeting in Lithuania 2015 16-20 of November
16th November
Welcome presentation and presentation of the school by M.Jakobas, the Principal of the Šolomo Aleichemo ORT gimnazija who presented the Running of the School and Attention to the Leaving School Early and the School Failure.
O. Čepulėnienė, Department of General
Education, Lower and Upper Secondary Education, Ministery of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania.
After the education seminar, E. Pavinskienė, Deputy of the
Principal introduced the Jewish Community and G. Kuklienė, Teacher of History,introduced the School Tolerance Centre. After this presentation there were:
history,theme: Soviet block Independence campaigns, Lithuanian Resistance in 1989 -1991 according to Lesson Plans subjects.
-a meeting with M. Grodnik, vice- Chairman of the Jewish Community of Lithuania, at the Community Center and a visit at Museum of Tolerance.
-visiting the Vilnius Ghetto by R.Bieliauskiene.
17th November
Participation of students and teachers in lessons.
After that there were different
activities: visit to Paneriai including meeting with Fania Brancovskaya, survivor who
explained the Paneriai memorial mass murder place and the The partisan Bunker.

C.Sugihara, Japanese diplomat who saved thousans of Jewish in Lithuania.
After lunch, Coordinators held a management meeting: Distribution of tasks for the
Greek meeting.

Tour of Vilnius University where we visited the library, medieval book collection, the
church tower and the Yiddish Institute.
Workshop for students
on the meaning of Hamsa in Jewish traditions and making Hamsa themselves by S.
Pavinskaitė, school Art Studio). Tasting of Jewish national cuisine.
After lunch, Coordinators held a management meeting: preparing students exchange for
Students from all partners presented their presentations about Collaboration. After that,
the Lithuanian students performanced: „REMEMBER”.
Vilnius Gaon Jewish State Museum.
After lunch, Coordinators held a management meeting: progress of Documentary, first
draft about the beginning of documentary.
20th November
Celebrating Shabbat.
Tour of the medieval Trakai castle museum. Presentation of
information on Karaite (Karaim) community and their relationship with the Jewish community.
programme. Visiting Vilnius city Municipality by V.Mosin, Client Service Department.
The subjects discussed and agreements achieved:
- presentation and analysis of Lesson Plan: Collaboration, draft presentation by
- implementation and assessment of other partners
reported the implementation of a given partners Lesson Plan. The following matches
reported each others:
1. Poland and Greece.
2. Spain and Finland.
3. Lithuania and Turkey.
4. Italy and Slovakia
- preparing meeting in Greece: dates, student works, students exchange and Lesson Plan
about Indifference draft.
- dissemination results and uploading Blog.
Students: 29
Teachers: 15
Ahmon Koulu, Siilinjärvi, Finland
Students: 3. Teachers: 2.
28th Thessaloniki Lyceum, Greece
Students: 5. Teachers: 2.
IES Tirant lo Blanc, Elche, Spain
Students: 5. Teachers: 3
Gymnazium Sosnoviec, Poland
Stundents: 5. Teachers:2
Gymnázium Angely Merici, Trnava, Slovakia
Students: 4. Teachers: 2.
Metod Koleji, Ankara, Turkey
Students: 4. Teachers: 2.
ISS Leardi, Cassale Monferrato, Italy
Students: 3. Teachers: 2.
Monday, 28 August 2017
Final Products Presentation
Picture: Former president arrival at IES Tirant Lo Blanc with the Major.
On Friday 31st March the official presentation of the partnership’s results took place. The event counted on the presence and support of former Prime Minister Mr José Luís Rodríguez Zapatero, as the head of the Law of Historical Memory. The event developed in two parts. First, the act started right after the former Prime Minister’s arrival at the school, where he was welcomed by the whole educational community along with the mayor of Elche, the director for Cooperation of the Generalitat, the inspector of education and SEPIE’s director of school education, Andrés Ajo. The former Prime Minister also met the partners’ coordinators. Spanish students explained the project and, after a performance about the need for Historical Memory, he visited the school and he even got into a few classrooms, where some students asked him a large number of questions related to the project. Then we revealed a plaque in memory of the project and went to Elche’s convention centre, where we had an open presentation for the municipality and the media in general. The representatives of the local government, Miguel Hernández University of Elche, the National University of Distance Education, the teacher training centre and the representative of Amnesty International in Elche, as well as the mass media and the management teams of some schools all around the province attended the event. First of all, we presented a short version of the documentary about the project and then we presented the project’s website, http://www.lessonsforfuture.com/, and we explained its contents. Among others, Mr Miguel Ors, director of Pere Ibarra Chair of Miguel Hernández University, explained how the lesson plans had been chosen and their quality criteria. Last, we presented the hand-book with the lesson plans, which gathers a selection of all the material available on the web, whereas the former Prime Minister, after taking the floor, gave the certificates of participation to both the international coordinators and the Spanish students and teachers. The event had a great impact in the media. A lot of institutions, such as teacher training centres, universities or even associations, have required the hand-book and so we have delivered it to all of them with a multiplying effect. The project has also been honoured by the local cultural association “Tonico Sansano” for its youth distinction.
On Friday 31st March the official presentation of the partnership’s results took place. The event counted on the presence and support of former Prime Minister Mr José Luís Rodríguez Zapatero, as the head of the Law of Historical Memory. The event developed in two parts. First, the act started right after the former Prime Minister’s arrival at the school, where he was welcomed by the whole educational community along with the mayor of Elche, the director for Cooperation of the Generalitat, the inspector of education and SEPIE’s director of school education, Andrés Ajo. The former Prime Minister also met the partners’ coordinators. Spanish students explained the project and, after a performance about the need for Historical Memory, he visited the school and he even got into a few classrooms, where some students asked him a large number of questions related to the project. Then we revealed a plaque in memory of the project and went to Elche’s convention centre, where we had an open presentation for the municipality and the media in general. The representatives of the local government, Miguel Hernández University of Elche, the National University of Distance Education, the teacher training centre and the representative of Amnesty International in Elche, as well as the mass media and the management teams of some schools all around the province attended the event. First of all, we presented a short version of the documentary about the project and then we presented the project’s website, http://www.lessonsforfuture.com/, and we explained its contents. Among others, Mr Miguel Ors, director of Pere Ibarra Chair of Miguel Hernández University, explained how the lesson plans had been chosen and their quality criteria. Last, we presented the hand-book with the lesson plans, which gathers a selection of all the material available on the web, whereas the former Prime Minister, after taking the floor, gave the certificates of participation to both the international coordinators and the Spanish students and teachers. The event had a great impact in the media. A lot of institutions, such as teacher training centres, universities or even associations, have required the hand-book and so we have delivered it to all of them with a multiplying effect. The project has also been honoured by the local cultural association “Tonico Sansano” for its youth distinction.
Final Meeting Spain
Final meeting in Elche. The meeting took place from Friday 31st March to Friday 7th April, with the main objective of officially presenting the project’s final products resulting from these three years. 47 foreign students and 22 teachers attended this event. The students were hosted by families, as we had been doing throughout the years. Likewise, most teachers were also hosted by Spanish teachers.
On Friday 31st March the official presentation of the partnership’s results took place. The event counted on the presence and support of former Prime Minister Mr José Luís Rodríguez Zapatero, as the head of the Law of Historical Memory. The event developed in two parts. First, the act started right after the former Prime Minister’s arrival at the school, where he was welcomed by the whole educational community along with the mayor of Elche, the director for Cooperation of the Generalitat, the inspector of education and SEPIE’s director of school education, Andrés Ajo. The former Prime Minister also met the partners’ coordinators. Spanish students explained the project and, after a performance about the need for Historical Memory, he visited the school and he even got into a few classrooms, where some students asked him a large number of questions related to the project. Then we revealed a plaque in memory of the project and went to Elche’s convention centre, where we had an open presentation for the municipality and the media in general. The representatives of the local government, Miguel Hernández University of Elche, the National University of Distance Education, the teacher training centre and the representative of Amnesty International in Elche, as well as the mass media and the management teams of some schools all around the province attended the event. First of all, we presented a short version of the documentary about the project and then we presented the project’s website, http://www.lessonsforfuture.com/, and we explained its contents. Among others, Mr Miguel Ors, director of Pere Ibarra Chair of Miguel Hernández University, explained how the lesson plans had been chosen and their quality criteria. Last, we presented the hand-book with the lesson plans, which gathers a selection of all the material available on the web, whereas the former Prime Minister, after taking the floor, gave the certificates of participation to both the international coordinators and the Spanish students and teachers. The event had a great impact in the media. A lot of institutions, such as teacher training centres, universities or even associations, have required the hand-book and so we have delivered it to all of them with a multiplying effect. The project has also been honoured by the local cultural association “Tonico Sansano” for its youth distinction.
On Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th April, and with the approval of the inspectorate, we stopped regular lessons and several workshops were carried out all around the school, being compulsory for all students to participate in two workshops each day. Each partner, led by both students and teachers, had prepared two workshops in English: one about any topic related to the project (with an active and dynamic methodology), and the other one about the culture and history of their own country. Thus, we had 16 workshops going on alternatively so that all students could attend them all. At the end of each working day, four countries performed their traditional dances in the school yard.
On Wednesday 5th April a gymkhana was carried out in Elche, Alicante and the surrounding areas, where 12 groups of students and teachers of different countries had to track the province by bus or train in order to uncover certain clues. It lasted from 9am to 5pm.
On Thursday 6th April all students and teachers involved in the project enjoyed a guided visit to Valencia.
On Friday 7th April both foreign students and teachers attended lessons and took part in some of them so that they could get to know the Spanish educational system. After that, teachers held a meeting in order to share their doubts regarding the final report, dissemination, expenses and so on.
We did not celebrate the seminar about the Spanish educational system since we had had it during our first meeting, when Mr Pere Soriano, representative of the Standing of Secondary Education Headmasters, had been in charge of the seminar. This can be seen on: LINK
Anyway, we showed the teachers our school facilities and we explained them the resources we have to face early-school leaving and educational failure in comparison to the other schools of the project. We also agreed to exchange several successful methodologies in the coming school year.
Final meeting in Elche. The meeting took place from Friday 31st March to Friday 7th April, with the main objective of officially presenting the project’s final products resulting from these three years. 47 foreign students and 22 teachers attended this event. The students were hosted by families, as we had been doing throughout the years. Likewise, most teachers were also hosted by Spanish teachers.
On Friday 31st March the official presentation of the partnership’s results took place. The event counted on the presence and support of former Prime Minister Mr José Luís Rodríguez Zapatero, as the head of the Law of Historical Memory. The event developed in two parts. First, the act started right after the former Prime Minister’s arrival at the school, where he was welcomed by the whole educational community along with the mayor of Elche, the director for Cooperation of the Generalitat, the inspector of education and SEPIE’s director of school education, Andrés Ajo. The former Prime Minister also met the partners’ coordinators. Spanish students explained the project and, after a performance about the need for Historical Memory, he visited the school and he even got into a few classrooms, where some students asked him a large number of questions related to the project. Then we revealed a plaque in memory of the project and went to Elche’s convention centre, where we had an open presentation for the municipality and the media in general. The representatives of the local government, Miguel Hernández University of Elche, the National University of Distance Education, the teacher training centre and the representative of Amnesty International in Elche, as well as the mass media and the management teams of some schools all around the province attended the event. First of all, we presented a short version of the documentary about the project and then we presented the project’s website, http://www.lessonsforfuture.com/, and we explained its contents. Among others, Mr Miguel Ors, director of Pere Ibarra Chair of Miguel Hernández University, explained how the lesson plans had been chosen and their quality criteria. Last, we presented the hand-book with the lesson plans, which gathers a selection of all the material available on the web, whereas the former Prime Minister, after taking the floor, gave the certificates of participation to both the international coordinators and the Spanish students and teachers. The event had a great impact in the media. A lot of institutions, such as teacher training centres, universities or even associations, have required the hand-book and so we have delivered it to all of them with a multiplying effect. The project has also been honoured by the local cultural association “Tonico Sansano” for its youth distinction.
On Wednesday 5th April a gymkhana was carried out in Elche, Alicante and the surrounding areas, where 12 groups of students and teachers of different countries had to track the province by bus or train in order to uncover certain clues. It lasted from 9am to 5pm.
On Thursday 6th April all students and teachers involved in the project enjoyed a guided visit to Valencia.
On Friday 7th April both foreign students and teachers attended lessons and took part in some of them so that they could get to know the Spanish educational system. After that, teachers held a meeting in order to share their doubts regarding the final report, dissemination, expenses and so on.
We did not celebrate the seminar about the Spanish educational system since we had had it during our first meeting, when Mr Pere Soriano, representative of the Standing of Secondary Education Headmasters, had been in charge of the seminar. This can be seen on: LINK
Anyway, we showed the teachers our school facilities and we explained them the resources we have to face early-school leaving and educational failure in comparison to the other schools of the project. We also agreed to exchange several successful methodologies in the coming school year.
Saturday, 17 June 2017
Public presentation of the project results in Gimnazjum nr 9 im. Jana Pawła II in Sosnowiec
Last Wednesday students of the school's Erasmus+ team of Gimnazjum nr 9 im. Jana Pawła II together with the school's coordinator of the project presented the results of
the project to the school community and invited guests - the manager of the Teachers' Training Centre in Sosnowiec and representatives of neigbouring schools - head teachers, teachers and students.
the project to the school community and invited guests - the manager of the Teachers' Training Centre in Sosnowiec and representatives of neigbouring schools - head teachers, teachers and students.
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